MEDIATION: Can/Can't (A1)

Describe lo que tu amiga Sheila sabe/puede y no sabe/no puede hacer y da un motivo, siguiendo la tabla.
Ejemplo: She cannot speak Russian, because she’s Spanish.

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hint!
Ir en bici (muy cansada)Preparar paella (no tiene arroz)Viajar a Austria (no tiene tiempo)Ir a la playa (no hace calor)Trabajar los sábados (hace la compra)
Leer en inglés (no sabe)Pintar un cuadro (no sabe)Comprar un piso (no tiene dinero)Correr 10 km (no quiere)Aparcar un coche (no sabe conducir)

Sheila , because she very .
She paella, because she .
She to , because she time.
She to the , because it hot.
She on , because she shopping.
She , because she speak .
She a , because she .
She a , because she money.
She 10 Km, because she .
She a car, because she .